- This issue is a special illustrated edition featuring work by Brian Froud, Alan Lee, Mel Grant, Arthur Rackham, Adelaide Claxton, Margaret Jones, Edmund Dulac and many more. This issue’s contents are as follows:
- ‘To tell or not to tell: are fairy tales suitable for children?’, Nicholas Tucker and Jacqueline Simpson continue their BBC Radio 4 debate;
- ‘A review of Brian Froud’s work’, Anne Anderson, curator of Froud/Lee exhibit ‘The Truth About Faeries’;
- An interview with Brian Froud and a preview of his latest work, Trolls;
- ‘Gwyn ap Nudd: Transfigurations of a Character on the way from Medieval Literature to Neo-Pagan Beliefs’, Angelika H. Rüdiger;
- “>‘Count Stoneheart and the First Christmas Tree’, a retelling of a traditional tale by best-selling fantasy author Kate Forsyth;
- ‘My Favourite Story when I was Young’, Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère;
- ‘Herne’, Steve O’Brien;
- ‘Whatever happened to the Pixies? The Shrinking Role of Snap, Crackle and Pop in British Rice Krispies Advertising’, Louise Jolly;
- A review of Alan Cunningham’s Traditional Tales (ed. Killick), Sophia Kingshill;
- A review of Jan Susina’s The Place of Lewis Carroll in Children’s Literature, Colin Manlove;
- A review of Giselle Liza Anatol’s Bringing Light to Twilight: Perspectives on the Pop Culture Phenomenon, Malini Roy;
- A review of Stephen Asma’s On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears, Miles Leeson.
A two-year subscription, for four copies of Gramarye in total, is available from the University of Chichester’s online store.
Other outlets:
you will also be able to purchase Gramarye from:
- Amazon
- Kim’s Bookshop, Chichester
- Atlantis, London
- Treadwells, London
- Precinct Books, Haying Island
- Way Out There And Back, Littlehampton
- Lunartique, Bristol