A Christmas bonus for this Grimm Year! Please find attached [*here*](http://publicdomainreview.org/2012/12/20/the-forgotten-tales-of-the-brothers-grimm/) an article by Professor Jack Zipes entitled “The Forgotten Tales of the Brothers Grimm”,
Author: bgray
Issue 2 of Gramarye is now available to buy [*here*](http://store.chi.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?modid=1&prodid=0&deptid=0&compid=1&prodvarid=54&catid=72). This issue is a special illustrated edition featuring work by Brian Froud, Alan Lee, Mel
ON TUESDAY 26 March, Jack Zipes, Professor Emeritus of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Minnesota and founding father of the academic discipline
Prof Marina Warner of Essex University is giving a talk in Lausanne entitled “Magicking reality in contemporary fiction in English”. For details see [here](http://www.unil.ch/Jahia/site/fdi/cache/off/pid/46025?showActu=1351523007733.xml&actunilParam=events)
Robert Louis Stevenson Day will be celebrated for the first time on 13 November (Stevenson’s birthday). As part of the celebrations the Association for Scottish
Launch of new Sussex Centre journal, [*Gramarye*](http://www.sussexfolktalecentre.org/journal/). Tuesday (29 May) at 5.15pm in Cloisters, Bishop Otter Campus, University of Chichester. There will be readings by